Despite being one of the busiest times of the year, the holidays are the perfect time
to slow down, and spend quality time with your family and friends. There will be
gifts exchanged, songs sung, old family stories laughed over, and eating… lots, and
lots, and lots of eating! So, before you get busy making those holiday appetizers,
decadent desserts, and grandma’s famous green bean casserole, here are a few tips,
that we’ve found helpful.

Make a plan.
Every family has their long-held traditions, whether it’s a formal turkey dinner, an
all-day “graze as you go buffet”, a day spent in your Christmas pajamas eating
breakfast food, or a carry-out meal that lets someone else do the cooking. There is no wrong way to celebrate the season.
Consider your guests.
When you’re planning your meal, take time to ask your guests a few simple, but
critical questions. Does anyone have a food allergy or sensitivity? Are they
vegetarian or vegan? If so, how will that change your menu? Your guests will be glad to offer suggestions and will appreciate knowing that you cared enough to make sure they enjoyed their meal, too.
Make a grocery list.
Save yourself a dozen trips to the grocery store, by planning ahead! Make a list of
everything you’ll need before you go shopping. Start with food items but be sure to
include other essentials like aluminum foil and Ziplock bags for the leftovers or
extra marshmallows for the hot chocolate, so you’re prepared when you go
Clean the kitchen and refrigerator.
Starting with a clean slate makes preparing your holiday meal easier and less
stressful. Get out your favorite serving bowls and trays. Find the lids for your
storage containers. Make sure you have room in your refrigerator for left overs so
you can put food away as soon after the meal as possible.

Get everyone involved!
The old saying “Many hands make light work” is a saying for a reason… it’s true!
Include the little members of the family, by letting them help mix ingredients or
pour measured ingredients into bowls. They love to help bake and decorate cookies!
Put bigger kids in charge of setting and clearing the table. Guests can carry food
trays as they’re ready. If there’s room in your kitchen, someone can wash dishes
after the cooks are done with mixing bowls and utensils so there’s less to do after
you eat. You can’t create new memories with your family if you’re in the kitchen
cleaning up!
Enjoy your holiday!
That one isn’t a tip. It’s our holiday wish for you, and your nearest and dearest!